lnear/html, a PHP library for generating HTML elements
This is a list of HTML elements and their attributes generated from the HTML Living Standard.
All functions return a string of the HTML element that it is named after. The only exception is the var
function, which is named variable
to avoid conflicts with the reserved keyword var
The body
argument is present in all non-self-closing elements. It is used to add text or other elements inside the element.
It is also the first argument in those functions, so you can omit the argument name.
More complex elements can be created by nesting functions.
All elements share the following global attributes:
Attribute |
accesskey |
autocapitalize |
class |
contenteditable |
contextmenu |
dir |
draggable |
dropzone |
hidden |
id |
itemid |
itemprop |
itemref |
itemscope |
itemtype |
lang |
spellcheck |
style |
tabindex |
title |
translate |
The following elements only have the global attributes:
Tag |
abbr |
address |
article |
aside |
b |
bdi |
bdo |
br |
caption |
cite |
code |
datalist |
dd |
dfn |
div |
dl |
dt |
em |
figcaption |
figure |
footer |
h1 |
head |
header |
hgroup |
hr |
i |
kbd |
legend |
main |
mark |
math |
menu |
nav |
noscript |
p |
picture |
pre |
rp |
rt |
ruby |
s |
samp |
search |
section |
small |
span |
strong |
sub |
summary |
sup |
svg |
table |
tbody |
tfoot |
thead |
title |
tr |
u |
ul |
var |
wbr |
The following elements have additional attributes:
Tag | Attributes |
a | href, target, download, ping, rel, hreflang, type, referrerpolicy |
area | alt, coords, shape, href, target, download, ping, rel, referrerpolicy |
audio | src, crossorigin, preload, autoplay, loop, muted, controls |
base | href, target |
blockquote | cite |
body | onafterprint, onbeforeprint, onbeforeunload, onhashchange, onlanguagechange, onmessage, onmessageerror, onoffline, ononline, onpageswap, onpagehide, onpagereveal, onpageshow, onpopstate, onrejectionhandled, onstorage, onunhandledrejection, onunload |
button | disabled, form, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, name, popovertarget, popovertargetaction, type, value |
canvas | width, height |
col | span |
colgroup | span |
data | value |
del | cite, datetime |
details | name, open |
dialog | open |
embed | src, type, width, height |
fieldset | disabled, form, name |
form | accept-charset, action, autocomplete, enctype, method, name, novalidate, rel, target |
html | manifest |
iframe | src, srcdoc, name, sandbox, allow, allowfullscreen, width, height, referrerpolicy, loading |
img | alt, src, srcset, sizes, crossorigin, usemap, ismap, width, height, referrerpolicy, decoding, loading, fetchpriority |
input | accept, alt, autocomplete, checked, dirname, disabled, form, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, list, max, maxlength, min, minlength, multiple, name, pattern, placeholder, popovertarget, popovertargetaction, readonly, required, size, src, step, type, value, width |
ins | cite, datetime |
label | for |
li | value |
link | href, crossorigin, rel, as, media, hreflang, type, sizes, imagesrcset, imagesizes, referrerpolicy, integrity, blocking, color, disabled, fetchpriority |
map | name |
meta | name, http-equiv, content, charset, media |
meter | value, min, max, low, high, optimum |
object | data, type, name, form, width, height |
ol | reversed, start, type |
optgroup | disabled, label |
option | disabled, label, selected, value |
output | for, form, name |
progress | value, max |
q | cite |
script | src, type, nomodule, async, defer, crossorigin, integrity, referrerpolicy, blocking, fetchpriority |
select | autocomplete, disabled, form, multiple, name, required, size |
slot | name |
source | type, media, src, srcset, sizes, width, height |
style | media, blocking |
td | colspan, rowspan, headers |
template | shadowrootmode, shadowrootdelegatesfocus, shadowrootclonable, shadowrootserializable |
textarea | autocomplete, cols, dirname, disabled, form, maxlength, minlength, name, placeholder, readonly, required, rows, wrap |
th | colspan, rowspan, headers, scope, abbr |
time | datetime |
track | default, kind, label, src, srclang |
video | src, crossorigin, poster, preload, autoplay, playsinline, loop, muted, controls, width, height |