lnear/html, a PHP library for generating HTML elements
This is a list of HTML elements and their attributes generated from the HTML Living Standard.
The functions are named after the HTML elements, and they take the attributes as named arguments. There are two flavours of functions each with their own namespaces: html
and html\\strict
The html\\strict
namespace only allows attributes that are valid for the element according to the HTML Living Standard.
The html
namespace is more permissive and allows any attribute to be passed to the function. The custom attribute names should be camelCase when called with the html
For example:
Other than that, the two namespaces are identical. The following examples use the html
namespace, but you can use the html\\strict
namespace if you want to enforce the HTML standard.
All functions return a Stringable class (html\\RenderResult
) of the HTML element that it is named after. The only exception is the var
function, which is named variable
to avoid conflicts with the reserved keyword var
The body
argument is present in all non-self-closing elements. It is used to add text or other elements inside the element.
It is also the first argument in those functions, so you can omit the argument name.
More complex elements can be created by nesting functions, and the body
argument can be an array of elements.
The html\\RenderResult
class implements the Stringable
interface, so you can use it in any context where a string is expected. You can also use it to bypass the HTML encoding of a string.
All elements share the following global attributes:
Attribute |
accesskey |
autocapitalize |
class |
contenteditable |
contextmenu |
dir |
draggable |
dropzone |
hidden |
id |
itemid |
itemprop |
itemref |
itemscope |
itemtype |
lang |
spellcheck |
style |
tabindex |
title |
translate |
The following elements only have the global attributes:
Tag |
abbr |
address |
article |
aside |
b |
bdi |
bdo |
br |
caption |
cite |
code |
datalist |
dd |
dfn |
div |
dl |
dt |
em |
figcaption |
figure |
footer |
h1 |
head |
header |
hgroup |
hr |
i |
kbd |
legend |
main |
mark |
math |
menu |
nav |
noscript |
p |
picture |
pre |
rp |
rt |
ruby |
s |
samp |
search |
section |
small |
span |
strong |
sub |
summary |
sup |
svg |
table |
tbody |
tfoot |
thead |
title |
tr |
u |
ul |
var |
wbr |
The following elements have additional attributes:
Tag | Attributes |
a | href, target, download, ping, rel, hreflang, type, referrerpolicy |
area | alt, coords, shape, href, target, download, ping, rel, referrerpolicy |
audio | src, crossorigin, preload, autoplay, loop, muted, controls |
base | href, target |
blockquote | cite |
body | onafterprint, onbeforeprint, onbeforeunload, onhashchange, onlanguagechange, onmessage, onmessageerror, onoffline, ononline, onpageswap, onpagehide, onpagereveal, onpageshow, onpopstate, onrejectionhandled, onstorage, onunhandledrejection, onunload |
button | disabled, form, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, name, popovertarget, popovertargetaction, type, value |
canvas | width, height |
col | span |
colgroup | span |
data | value |
del | cite, datetime |
details | name, open |
dialog | open |
embed | src, type, width, height |
fieldset | disabled, form, name |
form | accept-charset, action, autocomplete, enctype, method, name, novalidate, rel, target |
html | manifest |
iframe | src, srcdoc, name, sandbox, allow, allowfullscreen, width, height, referrerpolicy, loading |
img | alt, src, srcset, sizes, crossorigin, usemap, ismap, width, height, referrerpolicy, decoding, loading, fetchpriority |
input | accept, alt, autocomplete, checked, dirname, disabled, form, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, list, max, maxlength, min, minlength, multiple, name, pattern, placeholder, popovertarget, popovertargetaction, readonly, required, size, src, step, type, value, width |
ins | cite, datetime |
label | for |
li | value |
link | href, crossorigin, rel, as, media, hreflang, type, sizes, imagesrcset, imagesizes, referrerpolicy, integrity, blocking, color, disabled, fetchpriority |
map | name |
meta | name, http-equiv, content, charset, media |
meter | value, min, max, low, high, optimum |
object | data, type, name, form, width, height |
ol | reversed, start, type |
optgroup | disabled, label |
option | disabled, label, selected, value |
output | for, form, name |
progress | value, max |
q | cite |
script | src, type, nomodule, async, defer, crossorigin, integrity, referrerpolicy, blocking, fetchpriority |
select | autocomplete, disabled, form, multiple, name, required, size |
slot | name |
source | type, media, src, srcset, sizes, width, height |
style | media, blocking |
td | colspan, rowspan, headers |
template | shadowrootmode, shadowrootdelegatesfocus, shadowrootclonable, shadowrootserializable |
textarea | autocomplete, cols, dirname, disabled, form, maxlength, minlength, name, placeholder, readonly, required, rows, wrap |
th | colspan, rowspan, headers, scope, abbr |
time | datetime |
track | default, kind, label, src, srclang |
video | src, crossorigin, poster, preload, autoplay, playsinline, loop, muted, controls, width, height |