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JSONObject Library

This package provides a robust abstraction for handling JSON objects in PHP. It includes functionalities for loading, saving, and manipulating JSON data with a fluent API.


  • Load and save JSON data.
  • Access and modify JSON data using array syntax.
  • Push, prepend, and merge data into JSON objects.
  • Filter, map, reduce, and sort JSON data.
  • Increment and decrement numeric values.
  • Convert JSON objects to and from JSON strings.
  • Fluent API for chaining method calls.


You can install the package via composer:

Terminal window
composer require lnear/json


Basic Usage

use Lame\JSONFile;
// Instantiate JSONFile with a file path
$jsonFile = new JSONFile('/path/to/file.json');
// Access and manipulate JSON data
$jsonFile->put('key', 'value');
$jsonFile->save(); // Save changes to the file
// Load JSON data from the file
$data = $jsonFile->load();


The JSONString class handles JSON data stored as a string. It also extends the JSONObject abstract class and provides methods to work with JSON data in string format.


use Lame\JSONString;
// Instantiate JSONString with a JSON string
$jsonString = new JSONString('{"key": "value"}');
// Access and manipulate JSON data
$jsonString->put('newKey', 'newValue');
$jsonString->save(); // Save changes to the JSON string
// Load JSON data from the string
$data = $jsonString->load();

Exception Handling

Both classes handle exceptions related to JSON parsing and file operations. They throw appropriate exceptions when errors occur, allowing you to handle them gracefully in your application.

ArrayAccess and Countable

if ($jsonObject->has('name')) {
echo $jsonObject['name']; // Outputs: John
$jsonObject['email'] = '[email protected]';
echo count($jsonObject); // Outputs the count of items in the JSON object

Data Manipulation

$jsonObject->push('tags', 'developer');
$jsonObject->prepend('tags', 'programmer');
$jsonObject->increment('age', 2);
$jsonObject->decrement('age', 1);
$allData = $jsonObject->all();
$filteredData = $jsonObject->filter(fn($key, $value) => is_string($value));

Advanced Methods

$keysStartingWithA = $jsonObject->startingWith('a');
$jsonObject->each(fn($key, $value) => print("Key: $key, Value: $value"));
$mappedData = $jsonObject->map(fn($value) => strtoupper($value));
$reducedData = $jsonObject->reduce(fn($carry, $value) => $carry . $value, '');
$sortedData = $jsonObject->sort(fn($a, $b) => $a <=> $b);
$reversedData = $jsonObject->reverse();


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


For detailed documentation, please visit JSONObject Documentation.


We welcome contributions! Please read our Contributing Guidelines before making any contributions.


If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out at [email protected].


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
